Welcome to Battersea and Wandle Valley Circuit. Thank you for stopping by.
Battersea & Wandle Valley Circuit is part of the London District of the Methodist Church of Great Britain.
There are three ministers with pastoral oversight for the seven churches in the circuit who are supported and assisted by a lay worker, volunteers, and a team of Local Preachers. The Circuit Leadership Team (CLT) is the body jointly responsible for overseeing the life and work of the circuit.
Circuit Mission Statement
The mission of our circuit is to nurture Christian faith across the seven churches of the circuit. As we faithfully listen to God in prayer, we will seek to achieve the following:
- to provide the structure for enabling worship, pastoral care and training to take place in and through our circuit churches.
- to enable and support work directed outwards into our local communities, in service and social action.
- to provide resources for church development and growth.
- to recognize and rejoice in the diverse social, ecumenical, and inter-faith context which underlies all that we do.
- to provide the administrative support which will release and enable the members of our churches to live out their calling to worship, learning and caring, service and evangelism.

PLEASE NOTE: There are currently no evening services at any of the seven churches in the circuit, but there is a 6pm online circuit evening service via Zoom (details on the plan).

Online Weekly Activities
Meeting ID: 869 9802 1882
Passcode: 3505
Meeting ID: 885 2366 0077
Passcode: 3505
Click on the relevant activity image to join the session; or the zoom; or enter the activity ID and passcode;
alternatively join by dialling +44 330 088 5830 or find your local number: https://zoom.us/u/acfwqvyYo1
enter relevant MEETING ID and PASSCODE when prompted.
Upcoming Events

Tooting Youth Trip to Wesley Chapel

Prayer for the Circuit
Creator God, who sees and knows all that we are facing today,
as we navigate through these difficult days, weeks, and months,
help us not to be distracted but to focus on you Lord.
Remove all doubts, fear and anxieties from our minds and draw us closer to you.
We pray that the churches in our Circuit may find peace, joy, hope, and comfort,
during these challenging times and may your light shine upon us.
Holy Spirit inspire and encourage us to be open to new ways of serving those
in need and appreciating those in our midst.
Merciful God as we look for new ways of worship, give us a spirit of discernment
and the wisdom to reach out to all so that none will be left out or left behind.
We pray that we may be able to live with our differences with tolerance,
understanding and humility to bring peace to all.
We give thanks for our new ministers for bringing fresh insights and new gifts to our circuit.
We pray that ministers will be united in love as one body working together to bring the good news of Christ to renew,
encourage, nurture and nourish God’s people.
We give thanks for those who have been working tirelessly to get our zoom services up and running.
We pray for our Local Preachers and Worship Leaders in training, that, even in these times of uncertainty,
they will not lose hope but continue to live out their calling.
We pray for our administrator as the circuit look at new ways of working,
that the process will be fairly, sensitively and with love.
We pray for those who have lost loved ones and family members because of Covid-19,
and for those who are still experiencing side effects.
Lord, we ask that you give them total healing of mind and body.
We pray all these in the name of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. Amen.
Battersea Central Mission
St Helier
Methodist Church
Methodist Church
St John’s
Methodist Church
Upper Tooting Methodist Church
Methodist Church
Methodist Church

Methodist Covid-19
Information and Guidance

Video and Audio reflections from the President & Vice President

The Methodist Podcast

and Easter
Our Leadership
Our Leadership team has developed over the years and reflects the diversity of our congregation. We believe in encouraging people to share their skills in any way that blesses the Church.
Life Events
Resources / Links
What We Believe
Get In Touch
Battersea and Wandle Valley Circuit